Monday, September 30, 2019

Eating and ‘preparing’ foods that require no art whatsoever in making

It is definitely true that our society has become accustomed to eating and ‘preparing' foods that require no art whatsoever in making. Canned goods and microwave products are rampant in today's everyday menu. The reason for this, I believe, lies in the characteristic of this generation of being unwilling to learn anything difficult or time-consuming. Art unquestionably comes from things that take time and require effort: sculptures that take weeks to finish, movies that take months to film and hundreds of people to accomplish, and poems that ask for concentration, time, and effort.People nowadays want to learn things quickly, finish objectives within eight hours, and forget about them in less time. They want their food delivered in less than half an hour. They want massages in under half an hour. In fact most of the services today can be taken out or delivered. Taking time and effort to learn, master, and perfect things are no longer of interest to most of us. To add on to this already non-conducive situation of quick surface learning, poverty fans the flame of the lost tradition of home cooking.Although a long and artful process of preparing food is ideal and very high-culture, most people simply do not have the luxury of cooking such fancy and multi-ingredient meals. Most of the population, classified as low income families, has to make do with meals that are simply fried and not really ‘cooked' as much as they are heated. These over-processed foods are quick to prepare and simple, such that they lower the costs of a family. The effect of this is very bad for our culture.The rich heritage of unique methods and ingredients of cooking are lost due to lack of motivation and lack of financial capability. I agree with this. There can be no doubt as to the reality of the slow dying of the tradition of cooking within a family. Most families share these throughout generations via the practice of cooking meals together and transferring their knowledge. How ever, due to the younger generations' lack of interest in anything artful and effortful such as cooking, this transference is being impeded and ultimately ended.Less and less people inherit their family's unique recipes and family dishes. Also it is clear that poverty does play a role in limiting a family's participation in cooking tradition. Baking for example is a very expensive activity and only those who have the luxury of eating pricey desserts engage in it. However, I believe that time also plays a role in the death of the cooking tradition. Families seem to hold less and less time together (another cultural issue altogether) and one of the first things that suffer from this is the time spent preparing, cooking, and eating dinner together.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Plato and Baudrillard Essay

The central argument of Plato’s Republic is that the just life is preferable to the unjust one. Socrates argues this point against his friends, who put up various objections to the thesis. The principal objection concerns appearances; because it is apparent to all that the unjust dissimulator reaps the fruits of the world, while the just and virtuous person, who refuses to compromise with the world, suffers poverty, rejection and general hardship. The argument of Socrates proceeds along the lines that appearances are liable to deceive. In Book 7 the argument has strayed into epistemology. Here again the argument of Socrates is that material knowledge is deceptive. In order to make this point he gives us a vivid and extended analogy of the cave-dwellers. The dwellers of this cave are sitting facing the wall of the cave, and their heads are constricted so that they must always be gazing at the wall, not being able to turn their heads at all. Behind them there is a fire, and between the fire and the dwellers a road. There are bearers who carry objects and walk along the road. The shadows of the objects, as well as those of the bearers, fall on the cave wall, and this is what the dwellers see, and is the sum of their visual knowledge. Plato is arguing that in the phenomenal world our knowledge is constrained. That we cannot reach the essence of things, and that our knowledge must be content with the hazy shadows of things. Because such knowledge is so incomplete, it is liable to produce error in our judgment of things. But Plato is not promoting skepticism. He extends the analogy to suggest that we may come to know the essence of things, but this is only after we have been released from the bondage of material existence. He goes on to consider the condition of the cave-dwellers once they have been released from their constraints. They see the objects with their profusion of detail, and the clarity overwhelms them, so that they refuse to accept the objects themselves as real, and instead insist that the shadows on the wall were more real. In the next stage of their enlightenment they are guided to outside the cave, and then they see things with the greatest clarity of all, and this by the light of the sun. Eventually they come to the understanding that all light originates in the sun. The suggestion that Plato makes is that there is indeed clarity of knowledge, and that it lies beyond the realm of the material and of appearance. The possibility itself is the saving grace of man. The preserve of wisdom is the shelter that man seeks as he stumbles through the morass of error. The Allegory of the Cave is highly pertinent to how Jean Baudrillard pictures modern society. In his essay â€Å"Simulations and Simulacra† he contends that modern society has lost all referential links to reality, and has supplanted reality with an artificial construct, which he terms â€Å"hyperreality†.   In terms of Plato’s allegory, the shadows on the wall become the starting points on which to construct a comprehensive reality. In Baudrillard’s general epistemology, all knowledge necessarily deals with the signification of things, and never with the essence of the things themselves. These units of knowledge are â€Å"signs†. A sign has no meaning in itself, but derives all meaning through its reference to all other signs. Therefore it has â€Å"self-referential† meaning only. True and total meaning can only emerge when the references have been taken to all other possible signs. But the finite capacity of man precludes this possibility, even though he always strives for total meaning, in order to overcome his limitation. He constructs simulacra, i.e. models that combine the signs in logical formulations, and meant to represent reality by similitude. But this is a doomed endeavor. The message of Baudrillard is no different from that of Plato. The shadows on the cave walls are merely signs of the real presences. Yet the cave dwellers are forced to build all reality from these shadows, and commit error if they try to limit reality to the shadows. The stress of Baudrillard is not on the possibility of true understanding, which nevertheless is tacit in his philosophy. He is more intent on pointing out that modern society has fallen into grave error by â€Å"the cartographer’s mad project of an ideal coextensivity between the map and the territory† (Baudrillard 170). The result in Western societies has been a â€Å"precession of simulacra† (Ibid 169). The original project, as taking place in the Age of Enlightenment, is the construction of simulacra, which he likens to maps which are meant to be co-extensive with reality, because atomic level detail is strived for.    The next stage is second-order simulacra, where the original simulacra tend to be copied, instead of taking reality as the first reference point. But the plight of modern society is even more serious than this, for here we have arrived at third order simulacra. This is when the signs are employed in order to simulate reality, so that all reference to the original is severed, and now it is â€Å"the map that precedes the territory† (Ibid). Because it is so Baudrillard claims that reality has been effaced for the dwellers of modern society, and has been replaced by â€Å"hyperreality†. In this completely simulated existence there is no room for advance any more, but only a meaningless spinning around of fads and fashions, or â€Å"the orbital recurrence of models and the simulated generation of difference† (Ibid 170). It is natural that Baudrillard emphasizes the plight of modern society. In Plato we find the seduction of material knowledge, and the consequences are to be imagined. Baudrillard is confronting the consequence face to face, because material knowledge has transpired as a social norm. This is why Plato is more concerned with telling us the possibility of true knowledge, whereas Baudrillard gives us a physiology of the false, because he sees it extant before him. Works Cited Baudrillard, Jean. Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings. Translated by Jacques Mourrain. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2001.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Descriptive analysis of a place you feel special memorable qualities Essay

Descriptive analysis of a place you feel special memorable qualities - Essay Example But I really like my high school and I feel the same as special and memorable, with a number of qualities. Imagine that you are sleeping on a warm bed and dreaming, and the time is 6 o’clock, early in the morning. Now, you know that sun will rise and you have only a few minutes to wake up, and somebody is coming nearer to pull you out from your bed. What will be your feeling? For sure, I will consider that person as an intruder into your privacy. When my school days were over and I was asked to join a college, I felt that my school is with special memorable qualities and I cannot forget it. For instance, my memories on my school are interconnected with my senses. If I happen to smell fresh varnish, my memory will make me remember the newly varnished furniture in my school. The fragrance from the flowers in my garden leads me towards the flowers in our school garden. When I enter my kitchen, the smell of cooked food leads me to our school canteen. Even the smell of a hot cup of coffee leads me to the school cafeteria. The partial vision of a class room leads me towards our class-ro oms, and the complete view of a book leads me towards our school library. When I touch my old note books, I can feel the lecture classes. The day before yesterday, I happened to go through my old text books. Then, I realized that those text books can stimulate my thought on my high school classes. For instance, I felt that some of the books were interesting because those subjects were handled by my favorite teachers. On the other side, I did not like to open some other text books because those books were related to some other subjects, I was not interested in. While traveling to my college, I used to imagine that how the new students in our high school are enjoying their classes. I feel jealous of them because they are happily studying in my own school! On the other side, college life is different but cannot be wonderful like my high school. Now I realize that I lost some close

Friday, September 27, 2019

Corporate Ethics and Responsibilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corporate Ethics and Responsibilities - Essay Example The result is efficient employment of resources, and the mutual satisfaction of all parties – essentially the natural behaviour of free market forces. Viewed from the utilitarian theory, what should prevail is the greatest good for the greater number. In this case, were capital to be exported from a capital-rich to a capital-needy country, then everybody benefits. The destination country and the corporation benefitted will be able to employ the capital in increased production which will increase employment and provision of goods and services. The investing company will earn income on what would otherwise have been idle funds, and the source country will earn through an increase in duties from exports, or taxes from income abroad. Viewed this way, it is a win-win proposition. Finally, from the libertarian point of view, the choice to export and receive capital to and from other countries is a matter of choice, and the parties involved should be free to choose how to come to terms about the exchange in capital. On the other hand, probably the only drawback to the unconstrained exercise of this freedom is the possible exploitation (e.g., through cheap labour, and so forth) of the destination country and its citizens. As long as proper safeguards are installed, however, this should be susceptible to effective regulation. The capital dealt with here is legitimate capital. Where the â€Å"capital† is in the nature of contraband, or are monies that are subject of control under the anti-money laundering laws, then the above discussion does not apply, and such â€Å"capital† should be sequestered. 2. The freedom to export commodities which have been banned from sale in the United States. – This freedom should be exercised under reasonable constraint, depending on the reason for which the ban was imposed.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Parti5-comments2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Parti5-comments2 - Essay Example A good cause and effect essay should move beyond establishing what the two parts are, and should also make an argument for why the cause and effect are directly related. The purpose of a cause and effect essay is to make an argument, not just to describe a process. The writer should prove the relationship of the cause and effect, and therefore have a thesis in the essay. The writer can’t just tell the reader the focus of the essay, because having a focus or purpose that is solely to explain a cause and effect will leave the reader disinterested. Overall, asking questions about the cause and effect process is a good way to develop the essay, but answering those questions persuasively is even more important. The reader dos not just want to know the reason why the effect happened is because of the cause, but also if there are alternative causes or alternative effects that may disprove the usual idea of any cause and effect. The essay should not just analyze or inform, but should convey an argument and prove to the reader that the cause and effect are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

FEMINISM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FEMINISM - Essay Example is exchange of opinions, but one of the essential parts of this process is also the presence of a certain party that is willing to articulate its position. In other words, speaking for others substitutes the real representatives and has a negative impact on the interaction. There are several elements of the above mentioned process that were addressed in the essay in question. The first on is epistemic location. Alcoff suggests that it is crucial to fully understand the location of a person within the social environment in order to determine whether one is able to be a valid representative of ideas (7). In other words, what a person says might not fully reflect the real state of affairs and, therefore, this kind of information is able to contribute to distortion of the general picture, contributing to development of misunderstanding that inevitably leads to a conflict. What is more important is that the information that is being said by a person with epistemic location that does not give one credentials to do so can hardly be received as truth. Thus, it is highly doubtful that a person who does not belong to a group is able to articulate its views in a correct manner, reflecting all the peculiarities of the position that is taken by it. Another important element of the process of speaking for others is the negative impact that this practice has on the group of people that is being represented. Indeed, on the one hand, this process simply contributing to reinforcing the oppression of this group since it shows that the people are not able to speaking for themselves which enhances the weak image of this group. On the other hand, surprisingly enough, but speaking for other actually silences this group of people, not allowing them to express the ideas that they have in a manner that they would like to use (26). This means that these people are deliberately excluded of the dialogue which harms the way they are represented in the society. As once can easily see,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Discovering computers Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Discovering computers - Term Paper Example elated to the same, including: how computers are used, uses of the application software, components of a system unit, input and output devices, storage devices, uses and ramifications of the internet, systems software, communications and network, databases and information management, systems development, project management, use of multimedia, security, privacy and ethics issue, and controversial computer-related topics addressing the use of computers in contemporary society. To understand how computers work, one must understood what goes into them (data) and what comes out from the same (information). Basically, it is the main job of the computer to turn the said data into information through the process called information processing cycle. Computers usually work with inputs through devices that transmit data and information from external users such as the users (Shelley, et al. 2008). Input devices used for this particular function usually include the following: (1) keyboards, (2) mice, (3) touch-screen monitors and lastly, (4) network cards. On the other hand, computers also work with output by using devices that releases data from the computer to the user. As earlier stated, the computer transforms the information coming in to the information needed by the user through the process called information processing cycle (Spencer 1985). Technically, the information processing cycle is defined as that method wherein information is processed. There are four components associated with the information processing cycle of a computer; these are; (1) input – the step wherein the user enters data into the computer; (2) processing – wherein the computer performs operations on the data; (3) output- the step concerned with the presentation of the results; and finally, (4) storage – concerned with saving data, programs and output for use in the future (Shelley, et al. 2008). Perhaps, one of the most common uses of the computer nowadays is to access the World Wide Web.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Personal Body Image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Body Image - Essay Example The researcher has collected many articles, research papers, and many other publications in the field and used them for a survey. Literature Survey as a method of data collection involves an extensive search for the similar studies across the globe and its careful observation. It includes books, articles, magazines, news paper, any other publications, and indeed internet. The findings observed from the sources are used as such in formulating some meaningful interpretation of the study. Once the researcher finds a useful study, he critically observes it so as to analyze it with reasoning. The study has used many findings put forward by various researchers who have conducted studies of similar nature at various places all over the world. This method requires the reading and comprehending capability as it involves the analytical and reasoning approach to find the varied results of the works. The data collected from earlier studies are arranged logically according to the objectives of th e present study. They are then presented chronologically so as to get a reader a clear picture about the subject matter of the study. The researcher will focus mainly on the findings of the study, which are used to find any deviation from the present study. ... This method requires the reading and comprehending capability as it involves the analytical and reasoning approach to find the varied results of the works. The data collected from earlier studies are arranged logically according to the objectives of the present study. They are then presented chronologically so as to get a reader a clear picture about the subject matter of the study. The researcher will focus mainly on the findings of the study, which are used to find any deviation from the present study. The methods used in the previous studies are manifold and some are overlapping in nature. Important among the previously used methods is the use of measurements that assess the multidimensional nature of body image. Conclusion The study explored the relationship between negative body image and its resultant dissatisfaction among the youth as well as old to effectively find out the factors that make them being suffered from psychopathologies. Body image and body dissatisfaction are important aspects of the self that have been shown to contribute to the development of eating disorders. Body dissatisfaction cannot be limited to youngsters alone; rather it is a common phenomenon felt by any body at any stage of his/her life cycle. Body dissatisfaction is prevalent across the life span that the impact it has on a person's self-esteem may lessen over time. As one grows older, the tolerance is greater in what changes occur in body and the total image. The authors found that men's self-rated attractiveness (e.g., body satisfaction) actually increased as they aged, whereas women's remained the same or decreased. It is interesting that this higher body satisfaction in men is not due to actual differences in physical attractiveness,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Operations Manager of a Manufacturing Plant Essay

Operations Manager of a Manufacturing Plant - Essay Example Finally, operations officers raise concerns about the inefficiency of production schedules. An in-depth look into all levels of operations isolates a possible core reason: there seem to be too many suppliers. Arrow Ahead needs to understand that the number of suppliers does not necessarily equal excellence in process management. Remembering that operations management requires the cautious supervision of processes in producing and distributing products and services, Arrow Ahead must review where else it may have failed to carefully manage their practices. A good hard look at the flow of the organization and how each stage of the process come into play will benefit and ultimately restore the health of Arrow Ahead. This in turn will ensure that the company will stay efficiently afloat in the industry for a long period of time. Having established that Arrow Ahead has overbooked suppliers, the first step is to analyze how supply is being managed. As it is possible that the company has booked different suppliers for a singular purpose but for various reasons, there is a need to review all the suppliers they work with and create a shortlist based on Arrow Ahead’s experience with each one. Has this supplier always delivered on time? Is the quality of goods, materials, or services consistently excellent? Do they operate on sound commercial principles? Does working with this specific supplier minimize purchasing risks? If there has been any chance that the supplier was issued corrective action by the company, did they work on it? Would the company rate the relationship with the supplier highly? The responses to these questions will help Arrow Ahead develop a preliminary strategy that is proportionate to the impact they would like on operations. However, this is only an initial step towards solid supply management. The next phase would be to continuously monitor the performance of each supplier, in order to predict when something may threaten the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Loyalists and Their Arrival Essay Example for Free

The Loyalists and Their Arrival Essay Who were the Loyalists and what is significant about their arrival? British North America’s demographics changed when the Loyalists arrived. The English-speaking claimed for agricultural land and population increased. They strongly asked for a sufficient extent of democratic rights. A Loyalist is a person who remained faithful and supported British during the American Revolution. They migrated to Britain North America to live under their British regulations. Some found life painful and unbearable in the United States because rebels persecute anyone who had not sustained the rebel cause. Many of these Loyalists’ families travelled with them because there were no limits and they were free to make family decisions at that time. The following paragraphs are more detailed information about the arrival of the Loyalists and who they are. When Loyalists arrived, British North America’s demographics had changed. The English-speaking loyalists increased and grew about a percent of the population in Quebec. Most significantly, they hoped and claimed democratic rights where many people viewed fundamental. English and French were the two dominant groups in a colony that the Constitutional Act acknowledged. Upper Canada and Lower Canada were created by Carleton to give back the reality that they had different religious, political, legal outlooks and had different economic and land owning traditions. Each colony would have its own capital city and a Governor General appointed by Britain who would manage its governance of colonies. Most Canadians lived in agreement with the more traditional and tending to preserve the status quo of the Roman Catholic Church. Loyalists are the people who remained loyal to British. They live in a North American society where there are mixed of rich and poor people, young and old, male and female, and European, African and First Nations. Resulting the American Revolution of 1776, individuals who had supported Britain were persecuted, lost their properties and generally their lives. The Loyalists who has survived fled to areas of British protection and those who had fought with the British joined the exodus. The first legal British settlement in Canada took place in Western Quebec, which is now the eastern Ontario. A few loyalists were playing safe such as Mennonites who would not want to fight. Rebels impartiality had been as good as a declaration of Loyalty to Britain. Whoever attempted to fight them was persecuted. Free lands were being offered to the loyalists. The loyalists who were rich brought their possessions with them but most of them only brought the things they can carry. A land has been promised to them but they mostly have to wait years to claim it because the promise had drawbacks. Furthermore, most loyalists did not find their homes even roads or services when they arrived at their grant. Some of them had to be farmers and pioneers but some found it way to hard so they had to go back to United States or Britain. Many of the loyalists remained alive on their first years by the help of their neighbors. Some shared their stores of corn in winter, 1794. They think others first and help one recover with their sicknesses or childbirths. United Empire Loyalists were the people who remained faithful to Britain. Not everyone in the colonies assisted the move when Americas original Thirteen Colonies went to war with Britain over arguments to unwanted taxes. Those who were against the revolution became known as Loyalists since they remained loyal to the British but they were persecuted, did not want to vote, sold land, and bring legal charges against debtors. Britain recognized the independence of the United States as they signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783. Almost one-third of the 250,000 colonists who had remained loyal to Britain fled to other British Possessions. About 35,000 traveled north to what was then British North America with the most settling originally in the Maritimes. An estimated 10,000 Loyalists settled in Quebec. In June 1784, many of these loyalists’ families were provided, put aboard boat and sent up the St. Lawrence River to what became known as the Royal Townships. Here they cleared land and established themselves on farms. More lasting significance to Loyalists and their descendants was the governments recognition of the stand that they had taken. Realizing the importance, on November 9, 1789, Lord Dorchester, Quebec’s governor, declared that it was his wish to put the mark of Honour upon the Families who had obeyed to the Unity of the Empire. First Nations people came from the Haudenosaunee or Iroquois. Many people from Tuscarora and Oneida joined the rebels and many people from Kanienkehaka, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca fought next to the British. First Nations were fighting for their neighbors’ survival and their arena were their homelands. The confederacy’s associates stayed cool at the beginning of the war. By the encouragement of the two brothers, Konwatsi’tsiaieeni and Thayendanega they decided to enter the war in 1777. These two leaders were find guilty that helping Britain was their people’s only desire to keep the territory in the Ohio Valley and the Great Lakes. Unfortunately, the British before had tricked the First Nation at the transacting table. Even though they were loyal and helped provide the things needed in the war, they were ignored in the Treaty of Paris of 1783. Black Loyalists were the larges group of people of African Birth and descent to arrive to Nova Scotia between 1783 and 1785. They started finding a neighboring town in early May 1783. They were slaves who ran away to find protection under the British and who served the loyalist cause. Slaves were not allowed to vote many congregate or move freely By their dignity and independence in a word of equal citizenship under the British monarchy they arrived on the shores of Shelburne Harbor. Throughout the American War of Independence, the Britain supported the slaves to escape their owners to join the British army and destroy the American Economy. Thousands of slaves accepted the freedom and the land the British governor had promised to them by engaging with them. After the war, many of these black loyalists went to Nova Scotia from New York but some came to British North America to continue serving their loyalists’ owners. The British were harassed with major difficulties in fighting the war. They had no major allies compared to the Americans. They only had troops provided by small German states to assist the force of the British Army in North America. The British Army started the war with only less than 48,000 strong worldwide and experience hardships building up or recruiting soldier. By 1778, the army forgave the criminals for military service and had extended the age limit for service from 16 to 50. Although its officer and non-commissioned officer corps were somewhat professional and experienced, this professionalism was weakened because rich officers who have lack of military experience could purchase commissions and promotions. As a consequence, unskilled officers sometimes found their way into positions of high responsibility. To sum it all up, A Loyalist is a person who remained faithful and supported British during the American Revolution. They live in a North American society. Their arrival changed the British North America’s demographics by growing its population and requests for agricultural land. These loyalists came from different races and descents. They are the United Empire Loyalists, First Nations Loyalists and African American or Black Loyalists. They remained faithful even though in the end Britain had betrayed them.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Comparison And Contrast Between Achilles And Hector History Essay

Comparison And Contrast Between Achilles And Hector History Essay Homers poem The Iliad is an epic poem that describes the majority of the war between Greek and Trojan. The purpose of this essay is to enhance our critical reading and writing skills. The mean of this is essay is compare and contrast between Achilles and Hector discussing the similarities between two protagonists of the poem the Iliad. I think its important to be sure that we have a complete understanding of the things being compared because it will be much easier to write a critical essay. The poem was written by Homer who is generally considered being one of the most important poets and authors of the eighth century. Also, Homer has had an enormous influence on the history of literature and he has a particular form of writing. To my understanding, He had the ability to perceive life in a different way because he wrote most about of the life in Greek and war their respective times. The poem the Iliad is very important and interesting because He teaches many good things about the lif e of one person during the war. The main protagonists of the Poem are Achilles who is considered as the greatest warrior in the world. Achilles is the son of Peleus, the former king of the Myrmidons, and a sea nymph named Thetis. Patroclus is Greek warrior and beloved companion of Achilles. Menelaus is King of Sparta and brother of Agamemnon and he is who his wife, Helen, was taken by prince Paris Trojan, After, was like that the Greeks declared war on Troy. Agamemnon is Commander of the Greek armies and son of Atreus, the king of Mycenae. Hector is prince of Trojan and revered the bravest of the Trojan warriors. Priam is King of Troy. Andromache is noble and dedicated wife from Hectors. Paris is Prince Trojan and who took Helen from Menelaus. Zeus is King of the gods, who prefers to remain neutral in the war but he intervenes after a plea for help. Hera is Queen of the gods, who favors the Greeks. Apollo is revered like a god of light and the sun, who sides with the Trojans. Thetis is known as the goddess of water, who is the mother of Achilles. Although exist many most protagonist but to me them are most important. (Harold Bloom) According to Egbert Haverkamp Begemann , Homer was a writer; whose writing manifests of the wars between Greek and Trojan. The Iliad, the subject is war. The Greek army has traveled to Troy to battle the Trojan army by the recused Menelaus wife Helen from Paris , resulting in a war that rages on for the better part of a ten year. To me the three most important and relevant protagonist of the Iliad is Achilles, Hector and Patroclus. Achilles fights for the Greek army and is considered the greatest of the Greek warriors. Patroclus is the most loyal commander from Achilles and considered like brother of war of the great Achilles. While Hector, who fights for the Trojan army, he is not only a prince of Troy is also considered the greatest of the Trojan warriors. Achilles and Hector are most important characters in the Iliad because they are respected and revered as heroes by all people of their side. They are different by the way that they had relationships with their families, the way that they lead their troops in the Iliad in the way that they view and interact with the power of the gods. The first contrast between Achilles and Hector is that they have different personalities and how they live their life. Hector is a man of family who loves his child and wife and he believed that Confidence, communication is important to build a good relationship with respect and love to keep the family. Also, he can forget war when a little child cries or his people suffer by the war. Whiles Achilles is ruled by his uncontrollable passions as seen in his rage and proud headstrong ways and to Achilles is evident that military glory is more important than family life. He risks his life in order to gain military glory. According, The Iliad is a poem that shown Achilles has a great love to his mother and his close friendship with Patroclus and Briseis. Achilles is a man who comes to live by and for violence (Lawall 115). Achilles was like that because he was grown with this Greek culture where always were in wars. Also, Achilles never see his lasting life was not in his future because he always was presented in all wars that the Greek have by pride and gain glory. Also, He is willing to sacrifice his life only so that his name will be remembered. For Hector, war is a necessary evil in which he fights bravely, but reluctantly (Lawall 115). While Achilles participating or fighting in wars by pride, glory and to have his name remembered, Hectors motivation is more humanistic. A great example by that Hector is considered one hero between the Trojans is because he fighting against the Achaeans is all about preventing well-being and keeps peaceful in his land. Furthermore, hector have pride but different to pride of Achilles because his pride is subdued in order to maintain his loyalty to his homeland and its people. Hectors loyalty is evident in the Iliad. Another important contrast between the characters principals of the Iliad has different ways of showing heroism. Hector is a hero in his own way. Although he died in a very dreadful way, the Trojans all celebrated him as a great hero of their time because He fought by people of his land and peace. While Achilles were possibly the most important warrior and hero of Greek time. Although, The Greeks treat Patroclus as a hero after his death, He was given a great celebration in his honor because Patroclus death is the most important influenced to that Achilles participating in the war against Trojan and so they could win the war. To me understand a great similiratlity between Achilles and hector according to Iliad, Achilles loves Briseis and Agamemnon rips her from him, without remorse. After the great Achilles doesnt believe that he should fight in it war because he was directly insulted to his pride like man when Agamemnon demanded to the love of his life Briseis. He was fury to refuse to fight against the Trojans by the fail of respect of Agamemnon to him. According the Iliad, Hectors love for his family is shown when he is shown playing with his infant son before he goes out to meet his death at the hands of Achilles. To me understand is one great example love and passion that the family has in the life of hector. Another similarity is when Achilles feeling guilty for the death of Patroclus and other Acadians who had died by the pride and choice of refused to participating in the war after the great offend by part Agamemnon. In addition, Achilles realized the consequences of his actions and He was sorry for what he had done and wanted to fix it. Then is when Achilles feels that if he kills Hector, Patroclus death will be justly avenged and he will not carry by his actions. Hector values honor and pride in his army and homeland more than he values life. For example, when he advises the citizens of Troy to sleep outside the city gates, because he assumes all is safe and then finds out people were murdered through the night because by the raging Achilles had returned, he assumes full responsibility for the disaster. If the situation had been reversed, Achilles would have pointed fingers of blame at others, but on the contrary, Hector knew that he had made a mistake and was to ashamed to return inside the gates, instead giving his live attempting the end that of the man who viciously killed so many Trojans. (Harold Bloom) this quote is important to understand the personality, values that the great hector have, courage and honor required to be recognized like a true epic hero. Hector demonstrates every quality an epic hero should. He combines his fighting abilities with integrity, humanity, and an entirely altruistic approach to every situation he faces. He honestly lives to fairly fight his best every day for the Trojans.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Effects of Livestock Wealth and Reproductive Success on the Mukogodo Men :: Mukogodo Culture Kenya Lee Cronk Essays

The Effects of Livestock Wealth and Reproductive Success on the Mukogodo Men Many studies have been conducted pertaining to various Maa-speaking societies. Numerous correlations have been documented in lieu of the speculation that â€Å"success in achieving culturally defined goals should tend to correlate with reproductive success† [(Irons 1979: 258) from (Cronk 1991: 345).] The article revolves mainly around the Mukogodo, found in north central Kenya (target universe). During the early 20th century this group was arranged into four clans and thirteen patrilineages, coming into more and more contact with Maa-speaking pastoralists, adding pressure to their day to day, traditional, way of life. â€Å" They soon dropped their old Yaaku language in favor of the completely unrelated Maa language, and they adopted most of their material culture, ceremonies, and religious beliefs of Maa-speaking pastoralists† (Cronk 1991: 346.) For the most part, the Maa-speaking people and pre-assimilated Mukogodo practiced the giving of bridewealth; after assimilati on, this bridewealth was generally livestock. The Mukogodo have become virtually indistinguishable from their Maa-speaking neighbors, discernible only by a much lower level of socioeconomic status (wealth, in terms of livestock). In connection with Lee Cronk’s study of the Mukogodo, one main proposition is evident: Among the Mukogodo (males) of Kenya, there is a relationship between the amount of livestock wealth and the amount/likelihood of reproductive success. As will be discussed, the aforementioned proposition is contrasted with the reverse (Cronk 1991: 351), regarding first, reproductive success in correlation to livestock wealth. Aside from this hypothesis a range of other informants have supplied propositions that correlate to the theme of this paper, some more relevant to the topic than others. These propositions will be mentioned in minor detail, followed by a more direct view of the main hypothesis. Wealth is a major issue in connection with this research and is the main correlation variable. (Taken in terms of livestock wealth/units) Other Hypothesis/Propositions To start his article, Cronk attempts to test William Iron’s hypothesis â€Å"that in most human societies cultural success consists in accomplishing those things which make biological success . . . probable, and that therefore success in achieving culturally defined goals should tend to correlate with reproductive success† [(Irons 1979: 258) from (Cronk 1991: 345).] This proposition is proven by numerous anthropologists in Cronk’s study, particularly White and Burton, in lieu of a cross-cultural perspective. Finally, the results that become increasingly evident to the main proposition of this paper, â€Å"support Iron’s (1979) hypothesis†; and aid the author’s argument.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Primary Education & Post Plowden Legacy :: essays research papers

Primary Education & Post Plowden Legacy Subject: Primary Education & Post Plowden Legacy INTRODUCTION The task assigned was to read all six chapters provided, select one and produce a critique on the subject matter. The chapter selected was number six which analysed pupils' and 'work'. Firstly I wish to briefly summarise the entire chapter, highlighting the areas which I considered to be the most important, these areas will then be examined in depth and their merits or shortcomings discussed. Firstly a summary of the chapter is needed to put into context the areas that will be discussed later. The whole chapter can be split into two main areas of discourse:- relationships and 'work' and negotiation. As there has been little research into pupils' approaches to schoolwork, the author's chief concern is that of the pupils perceptions of , and approaches to, schoolwork, and the first point s/he makes is that there are differences between teachers' and pupils' ideas of what constitutes worthwhile work. The author sets out to define 'the meaning of work' and in doing so draws our attention to differences between 'pleasurable work' and 'labour'. Workmanship, it is argued, has been replaced by unskilled labour and people now work as a means to an end seeking enjoyment through other avenues such as hobbies and recreation. Teaching methods and school ethos' in general are seen as outmoded and alien to the cultural and social influences on pupils. Therefore, there is greater responsibility on the teacher to make work seem more utilitarian and attractive. Research revealed that many pupils felt that work was pointless and invalid unless it was undertaken in preparation for forthcoming exams. However, work that may be deemed pointless or onerous by both sets of pupils (exam and non- exam) could be given validity by the teaching strategy employed. Pupils seemed to be more concerned with the status of the work and their personal relationship with the teacher, therefore the pupil reaction to any given task depended heavily on these two criteria. It is identified that pupil-teacher relationships are extremely important and they contain many concealed aspects which will be discussed in Part 1. A prevalent feature of pupil-teacher relationships is the negotiation that takes place and teachers will offer incentives to pupils in order to encourage the process of work. It is interesting to look at the way in which teachers can utilise their experience and maturity to manipulate or cajole pupils into performing a given task, and this will be examined in Part 2. PART 1 - RELATIONSHIPS & WORK The first key issue in this chapter that I wish to examine is that of pupil

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hsm 541: Week 2 †You Decide

HSM 541: Week 2 – You Decide Krystal Richards Professor Alan Flower Middlefield Hospital has been a great healthcare facility to the Middlefield area. Middlefield Hospital consists of a 450-bed tertiary facility in a major urban area in the Northeast. The hospital is an integrated health system that provides the full array of inpatient and outpatient services. The hospital enjoys a reputation of quality care in the area. In recent years, there are areas of concern that need to be addressed.As I have been assigned the position as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Middlefield Hospital, I will provide strategies and recommendations needed for implementation to turnaround the hospital into a more positive experience not only for the patients but for the employees as well. My approach will implement a triad of care – access, cost, and quality. Middlefield Hospital has been a key staple within our market area of Middlefield. The hospital was able to build another facil ity on the other side of town.The new hospital offers much better facilities and the technology is state of the art. While visiting the new hospital, I noticed that the staff appeared much more invested in the quality of patient care and the patients also seem happier. As with new facilities, there comes lots of excitement. The quality of our old facility needs to be upgraded and needs some new type of organization. There needs to be a balance of power so that the new hospital is able to start performing better. This lies within the hospital medical staff, hospital administration, and hospital governance.With the hospital medical staff we need to take into account their pay for their performance on the work they do. This will in turn encourage them to want to stay with the hospital knowing they will have a steady long-term position. Hospital administration is another important thing to take into account since they work with the clients just as much as the medical staff does. From he alth insurance, to IT, to security everyone plays a key part in making sure that the patients feel comfortable. To mprove the performance, there need to be upgrades with the systems that the hospital uses to keep track of the patients information. I recommend using Epic as a tool to help keep all of the patient’s information confidential and easy to access with a click of a button. This will allow for every department to have access to a certain patient’s file whether to be from a doctor entering notes about the patient’s visit, to health insurance billing department making sure that copays and such are being paid and their accounts are kept up-to-date.The hospital governance plays an important role because of the need for funds to help keep the hospital. By providing more outside events to raise money for the hospital will be a great start to being able to fully provide for each patient that comes through Middlefield Hospital doors. Since the employee morale is going down, I think it is important to obtain a good relationship with the local university, Essex University, to provide jobs and internships to the students in the nursing program.This nursing program will make sure that our managers will be able to teach classes at the university and help train the students to be prepared to work in the hospital. This should address the problem of the employee turnover rate to decrease and bring down the number of nursing vacancies. Nurses are a very important part of the hospital because they are by the patient’s side more than the doctor can be, so they have to show compassion all of the time. This is not a hard characteristic for them to have because they already know how much helpful being a nurse can be.Also by providing better compensation packages to prospective employees might help as well. Middlefield Hospital needs the best of the best in terms of medical staff. Now that there is another hospital in the area, we need to make sur e that both hospitals can be top notch at all times. As with all plans and strategies, this is just the beginning. I believe that Middlefield Hospital will be on top in our marketing areas. By planting these seeds, I am sure that our hospital will continue to grow and become a valuable part of the community.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Children of Men Film Essay

Children of Men is a thought provoking film directed by Alfonso Cuaron which explored the possibility of hope in the face of overwhelming despair. The film has a fearful, chaotic mood within the setting of a dystopian world in London 2027. Visual and verbal techniques such as camera techniques, diegetic and non-diegetic sound, and symbolism were effectively used across the film. Cuaron used these techniques to show the audience that the search for self preservation demonstrates ignorance for the good of humanity. However, Even though morality is lost when the world deteriorates, hope can still be found in mankind’s bleakest moments; as the darkness of humanity cannot exist without the light, which shows that it’s future. In a world where the deterioration of humanity has caused destruction to a society, people tried to hold on to the last bit of hope while having to survive in the abyss of despair. An example is the diegetic sound of a news reporter on TV in a coffee shop, reporting the tragic death of Baby Diego. â€Å"The world was stunned today by the death of Diego Ricardo. Diego Ricardo, the youngest person on the planet was 18 years, 4 months, 20 days, 16 hours and 8 minutes old†. By stating Diego’s age to the exact minute, the reporter emphasizes his significance as he was the youngest person alive after 18 years of infertility. Cuaron used this technique to enlarge the great grief and devastation that the rest of the world suffers due to the tragic event. Making the audience see that the fragile fate of humanity has been dealt a shattering blow, it looks as if mankind’s last flicker of hope has been extinguished along with Diego’s death, and the species of human ra ce will perish. Another successful sound effect used by Cuaron was tinnitus. This verbal technique is a ringing sound one hears when ears are damaged after loud noises, and it was used after the bomb explosion in the coffee shop. The tinnitus is sympathizing as the ringing sound is heard by Theo as well as the audience, relating the audience to Theo’s experience and making them more involved in the film. This technique is symbolic as Cuaron expresses that the dull reality prevents us from hearing our surroundings, foreshadowing Theo’s numb emotion and reaction towards the situation. Cuaron used this technique to highlight the fearful and chaotic environment, constantly reminding audience the death and despair Theo experienced. The film is very much relatable to our society as the destructed world in the film does not seem so distant from our own. Cuaron makes the audience realize that if we are not careful and take care of crucial issues, it is possible that similar situations in the f ilm could become our future. The frequent use of visual techniques by Cuaron also developed the despairing environment in the film. One example is a reverse angle shot of Theo and the suicide kit Quietus at Jasper’s house. The suicide kit was handed out by the government, showing that even the government had no intention of dealing with existing issues and preferred the easy way out. The white and pale blue colour of Quietus symbolizes peacefulness, showing that instead of keep living in the abyss of desperation, people would rather die to escape the corrupted world. This is appalling to the audiences as Cuaron makes them realize that life was no longer important in the gloomy society of the film. Without hope and faith for the future, the only control people had when facing despair was the option of suicide. Another example that develops the idea of despair is the use of a mid shot out of the bus to Bexhill. The mid shot shows refuges caught by immigration police; locked up in cages, beaten and shot. This technique reinforces audience to see the visual allusions created by Cuaron, as the situation is somewhat similar to the Nazi roundups. With the use of this visual technique, Cuaron is able to show us a world where government control has become so powerful that humanity no longer exists, and the inhuman treatments that the immigrants received were not noticed or cared by British citizens. The refugees were hidden away from society and irresponsibly dealt with so the issue doesn’t have to be taken care of. Cuaron’s purpose is for the audience to see that society tends to, and is, ignoring larger issues which cause discomfort simply because it is the easy way out. However, we all have the responsibility to help each other out and solve existing issues within the community, in order to bring right and justice to the society. There are also hopeful situations throughout the film. This can be explored by the use of non diegetic music â€Å"Fragments of a Prayer† as Kee symbolically revealed her pregnancy to Theo in a barn. The music was implemented several times in the film during moments of hope. The holy shrill voices of the song manipulates viewer to believe that there is always hope as Kee undid her clothes to show her miraculous pregnancy. Theo’s dialogue of â€Å"Jesus Christ† after he saw Kee’s belly symbolically brings realization of biblical allusion to the audience. Surrounded by sheep and cows, Kee was the connotation of Virgin Mary. The similarities allow viewer a deeper understanding of how important Kee’s pregnancy was to mankind, in both cases it was the carrier of humanity’s savior that was in undergoing the long journey. Cuaron also used lighting techniques to highlight the unborn baby’s representation of hope midst despair. The chiaroscuro lighting creates a light shade effect during the revelation of the baby. Darkness in the barn emphasized a patch light on Kee’s belly. Her glowing belly seemed radiate shine, making it look angelic. Cuaron successfully used these techniques to tell the audience that Kee’s pregnancy was a brief moment of humanity allowed that existed in a world determined to tear itself apart. A further biblical reference is Theo’s similarities to Jesus. His character is non-violent, despite being surrounded by guns and bombs. While defending and protecting Kee, he never used or carried weapons. Theo was also consistently surrounded by animals, which are used throughout the film as indicators of goodness and trustworthiness. By using these Christianity symbols, Cuaron reveals a cautious faith in humanity in the characterization of Theo as he came to demonstrate man’s best attributes, compassion, self-sacrifice and hope. Another example which develops the ide a of hope is the establishing shot of Kee, the baby and Theo on the boat staggering towards the Ship of Tomorrow to get to the Human Project. The non diegetic music of â€Å"Fragments of a Prayer† was again used, setting ablaze to hope as Kee was getting closer to safety. When Kee questioned whether they were too late, Theo answered â€Å"Trust me, they’ll come back†. This dialogue contrasts with his dialogue earlier in the film â€Å"Why do people believe this crap†¦ Too late the world went to shit†. Cuaron used this contrast to show the change in Theo to which he was no longer numb about the corrupted world and finally found hope and faith for the future. This provides the audience with catharsis, and it is a release from action to allow viewer to believe that everything will get better. Cuaron’s purpose is for the audience to understand that dread and fear can have a damaging effect on society but is also a driving force behind the vital change needed to save our planet. We should always hope but think and act now because the final result is up to us. In conclusion, a variety of visual and verbal techniques were used by Cuaron throughout Children of Men. These techniques created a destructed and gloomy society which allows viewers to seek through the failure of future construction along with the bleak and brilliant of hope and humanity. Revealing how humanity’s nature and glory is essential in order for human race to maintain faith and stay in a balance of compatibility. Challenging viewers to consider the effect of manmade actions on the current world and how it is shaping the future.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Andragogy: Self-Directed Learning in My Personal Perspective

Yet it is interesting to note that it was not Lineman who taught Knowles the term ‘androgyny; Lineman used the word in Cavities, introduced Knowles to the word and its meaning, since the term has had much more currency in the Eastern European countries than it has had until recently n the West. 20th Century Thinkers in Adult Education by Peter Serves THE ANDROGYNY When applying androgyny to learning, task or goal of the learner will determine if direct or indirect methods of instruction should be used. If a concept is one that is previously unknown to the learner, then more direct instruction will be necessary.An effective method is to address specific topics of immediate concern and then expand to how it can be applied in other situations. However, the learner needs to know why the concept to be learned is important in order for the learner to remain motivated. Despite the learner ultimately having control of learning through self-directed means, the instructor and instruction al designer needs to facilitate the opportunities for the learner to experience growth. Androgyny reorients adult educators from educating people to helping them learn.The methods used may range from isolated instruction within a curriculum or integrated instruction. It may also encompass intentional and unintentional learning situations. As an example, when designing materials to facilitate learning a computer program, providing a list of commands that must be memorized is inadequate. The instructions need to be organized by task and presented in a manner similar to how it will be used. There is a significant amount of flexibility provided in regards to the development of interpersonal and interpersonal dimensions.However, the learner must be within an environment that values self-directed learning. Knowles places an emphasis on the concept of the safe environment. In particular with workplace training and development, McGregor Theory X ; Theory Y Management Philosophy comes into p lay. If an organization is based in Theory X and they attempt to utilize training ; development based n the principles found in Rorer's Experiential Learning, then there will be resistance to the training that could prevent its success.Knowles envisioned that learning was lifelong. A particular skill might be taught once; however, within a supportive environment, the learner might learn new approaches or methodologies from their fellow learners over time. Even though there is a lot of emphasis on the self-directed learner, this person cannot exist in a vacuum. They need to be surrounded by other self-directed learners and grouped in a manner that they can learn new perspectives from learners with different, but applicable experiences. Androgyny, Malcolm Knowles, by Steven R.Crawford THE SIX ASSUMPTIONS OF ANDROGYNY Knowles had already begun building a comprehensive theory of adult learning that is anchored in the characteristics of adult learners. Beginning with concepts researched by Cross (Adult Learning Theory), Eagan (Conditions of Learning), Hole, Rogers (Experiential Learning), Tough, and others, he developed the angelical model based on several assumptions that differed from the accepted pedagogical models. The Need to Know An adult needs to know why they need to learn something before undertaking to learn it. Similar to myself, the decision I had made to further my study in knowledge.Knowledge can be gain anywhere, I can improve my knowledge Just trough reading education material in National Library or buying books from the books store. The main reason first come up in my mind was I need to improve my colonization with people and build confidence in myself while communicate with other people in proper manner. We can communicate with our friends, neighbors, siblings or relatives but usually we use our own mother tongue language and sometimes I do not know how to explain, describes or give opinion so that people can understand and not keep hurt feeling i f I was wrong in using word.From my point of view, learning to use correct word according to situation is only can be tough in formal classroom because I will force myself to accept other people comment toward me. The Learner's Self-concept Adults have a self-concept of being responsible for their own decisions, for their own lives. Once they have arrived at that self-concept they develop a deep psychological need to be seen by others and treated by others as being capable of self-direction. When making decision to continuing my study, I had put all important things in my fife into consideration and isolate unimportant things.The hard thing for me to made decision is I do not have financial support as I Just quit from my Job because I felt not confidence to communicate because my Job was as customer service, at the same time I had car loan, personal loan to be paid and daily expenses to be put in count so yet I decide to do part-time work during my study and my parents lend me their money before I got my scholarship. All this decision I made nevertheless not depending on others decision and I bared all the consequences if a failed to finish my study with flying colors.The Role of the Learner's Experience Adults come into educational activity with both a greater volume and a different quality of experience from youths. Differ from my experience when study in diploma, all decision is made by my parents and influence from friends. I Just follow directly what course I should choose to learn and what university I had to go. This kind of experience give me lack value of knowledge, I Just study to pass not for my own sake. This decision, the way I am study and what sort of material I need to prepared is guidance by past experience, I become more tolerate in time schedule and more Ochs on my study.Opportunity to improve soft skills such as communication skill is grabbing when time has come. Take example when international student asking me about subject being taught i n class I force myself trying hardly to explain so that they can really understand me and that give me very high satisfaction. Readiness to Learn Adults become ready to learn those things they need to know and be able to do in order to cope effectively with their real-life situation. Every subject I been taught in class will be relate to my real-life, question will floating in my mind what if I used this teeth in my work or use it in my daily life.I love new experience and ready to be out from my comfort zone. That is means; I ready to learn something new or used different method to solve problem even thought I already have my own method that I familiar with. Take example, when your friend told you there is other way to understand one paragraph, event I used to with my own may, but I try to do with their way which is new to me. Usually I am easy to cope with new environment and environment does not mean that I forget my own culture, I will used it to compare, adapting good thing and share it with my own people.Orientation to Learning In contrast to children's and youths' subject-centered orientation to learning (at least in school), adults are life-centered (or task-centered or problem-centered) in their orientation to learning. Exactly, when I want to learn something I will find solution by collecting data from many sources such as magazines, internet or books that give me immediate solution for example if I got new knowledge on how to planning my work schedule I will immediately practice it with my daily life so that it will easier for me to familiar with new schedule.Outside from class room or formal learning, I also learn from informal learning such as, understand other people culture as study in Universities Ethnology Malaysia (TM) need me to socialize with foreign student, in the way to have good relationship with them I need to try at least to understand the way of their thinking sometimes their culture might be different from my own culture.Having good relationship with other people is actually a ticket for me to learn how they develop their culture and successful in what they are doing especially the Chinese and also the Arabic people. Motivation While adults are responsive to some external motivators (better Jobs, promotions, higher salaries, and the like), the most potent motivators are internal pressures (the desire for increased Job satisfaction, self-esteem, quality of life and the like).It is hard for me to find a good Job that relate to what I had study in my undergraduate because in Malaysia's Job market, there is so many applicant that compete for the position which is at the same level of our certificate especially in government sector. The position for grade 41 usually offered only quartile (in my point of view) from total applicant under same certification level and this give very tough competition among us.

Evaluation of Different Pricing Strategies

The models are based on the average cost approach to price setting but differ slightly In detail. The paper Initially examines the models from an analytical point of view. The paper then describes a simulation model used to evaluate the effect of both decision approaches over time. While the models are analytically similar the simulation results show that the long run behavior of the firm is significantly different under each approach. This work is part of the author's PhD research and represents ongoing rather than completed work. Please do not quote without prior permission. IntroductionThis paper continues the author's examination of firm growth using analytical and simulation modeling methods and which has already been discussed in Brady (1999; AAA, b and c; 2001). This paper specifically examines firm growth under two different managerial policies both of which use the average cost including demand pricing assumption discussed in Brady (2001). Methodology Two models identical in all respects but one were used in this research. Both models used the average cost including demand approach IEEE. Firms produce product at a certain cost and then set out to sell that product at a marked up price.The models defer in the policy adopted by the firm when production exceeds demand for their product. The firm in model A sells whatever quantity it can at Its marked up price as documented In Brady (2001). The firm In model B sells the quantity It produces at the price the market will bear [e. It sells at the price determined by the firm's demand curve. Model A Is more realistic In that firms Immediately realism that they have exceeded their demand curve In that they are unable to sell product at the marked up price and either they Increase Inventory or goods perish.Model B Is less realistic In that firm's cannot determine price with certainty from the demand curve (they do not know their demand curve with certainty): in practice firms must determine this price by some ki nd of atonement mechanism. Note Tanat tons osculation does not model ten atonement process itself; instead it determines the new price directly from the demand curve. In summary, when production exceeds demand, under model A the firm sells less product than it anticipates but holds its price whereas under model B the firm sells all it produces but at a lower price.Specifically model B differs from model A as follows: the demand function (P = a – BC) used is the inverse function to that used in model A (Q = a – BP); these two expressions are functionally equivalent. The models also differ in that in model A units sold were equal to the units produced or units demanded, whichever is the lower; in model B the price at which goods are sold is equal to the marked up price or the demand price (e. The price given by the demand function), whichever is the lower. In all other respects, including the values of all parameters, the models are identical.In the case of both models d emand is held constant throughout the simulation ‘e. The demand curve does not shift upwards or downwards during the simulation. Also, depreciation has been set to zero during the simulation and fixed costs remain constant throughout the simulation (IEEE. There is no step increase in fixed costs as described in Brady, 2001). Results The results of the simulation for model A are shown in figures 1, 2, 3 and 4. Examining firstly firm size, as measured by capital, we see in figure 1 that the firm increases in size until approximately period 50 and then firm size remains more or sees constant.To see why this is so we examine firm retained earnings as shown in figure 2. Here we see retained earnings increase monotonically until period 42 and then decrease asymptotically to zero. Figure 3 shows both revenue and total cost and clearly demonstrates this decline in margin. Here we see the firm maintaining its margin percentage until period 42; margin then declines dramatically until ap proximately period 60; margin continues declining asymptotically to zero. 01 2 0 1 Capital Accumulated_loss 125021002 Time Figure 1. Model A: Capital Retained_earnings 0050100 Figure 2.Model A: retained earnings This decline in earnings is due to the fact that production exceeded demand in period 42 as shown in figure 4. From that period onwards the firm incurred an increasing cost of overproduction and gradually its margin eroded completely. Although the change in period 42 is abrupt the firm comes smoothly to an equilibrium state (although unfortunately for the firm this equilibrium state is one of zero profitability). On the positive side, the firm never makes a loss as it stops increasing production at a point before its price drops below cost.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

“Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet” by Alex Epstein Essay

Part 1: Graphical Representation Part 2: Summary of argument In the article â€Å"Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet† (Epstein, 2013), Alex Epstein’s main claim was that fossil fuels should be used without restriction as they provide reliable and affordable energy that improves the lives of mankind. Aiming to convince the reader fossil fuels should be freely used, he first argued that the energy provided by fossil fuels is vital to the health and well-being of mankind. He supported this by stating that processes such as purifying water, mass production of medicine and fresh food, heating and construction are vital in allowing mankind to lead healthy lives and being able to cope in harsh climates. Epstein stressed that none of these things would exist in the modern world without the energy from fossil fuels. Next, he argued that alternatives like renewable energy are not effective. He asserts that renewable energy is unreliable, not cost effective and also unable to be mass-produced. He supported this by saying that even after years of investments from many countries only accounts for less than 0.5% of the planets energy. Finally, Epstein concluded by stating that fossil fuels are not â€Å"dirty energy†. He supported this by saying current technology can reduce waste produced in using fossil fuels to a minimum. He argued that since all processes create some waste, any process can be considered â€Å"dirty† and rejected. Epstein hence contended that mankind should focus on building better lives by reaping the benefits of using fossil fuels rather than worrying about whether processes were â€Å"dirty† or not. Part 3: Evaluation of argument Epstein’s first argument is that the energy provided by fossil fuels is vital to the health and well-being of mankind. The assumption he makes in his argument is that burning fossil fuels is the largest or sole provider of energy to mankind. This is validated by empirical data collected on a  global scale from The World Energy Outlook 2013 (International Energy Agency, 2013) which recorded that 82% of the world’s total energy supply came from fossil fuels in 2011 and will likely only fall to 75% in 2035, remaining the major source of energy for years to come. The argument uses deductive reasoning to prove that the energy provided by fossil fuels is vital to the health and well-being of mankind based on the premise that the energy powers important machines and processes that mankind needs to thrive. Epstein supports this by listing processes such as purifying water, the mass production of medicine and fresh food, heating and construction. He states that these processes provides necessities that are key in keep sickness at bay and allowing mankind to cope with the often harsh climate, leading to what he claims to be the healthiest and cleanest living environment in human history. The evidence Epstein provides shows that the affordable reliable energy from fossil fuels provides important necessities such as clean water and medicine that is vital to the health and well-being of mankind. This is congruent to Dennis Anderson’s points in â€Å"World Energy Assessment: Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability† (United Nations Development Programme, 2000, Chapter 11 p.394) where he reports that the presence of modern sources of energy can improve the standards of living for billions of people across the globe, especially those in developing countries who lack access to basic services and necessities similar to those described by Epstein due to consumption levels of energy being far lower than those in industrialized countries. This shows the state of people who lack access to modern energy and how their lives can be greatly improved if more energy was available to them. Therefore since Epstein’s argument uses deductive reasoning to prove that the energy provided by fossil fuels is vital to the health and well-being of mankind, since the premise is true, the conclusion of the argument is valid. References Anderson, D. United Nations Development Programme, United Nations. & World Energy Council. (2000). World Energy Assessment: Energy and the challenge of sustainability. New York, NY: United Nations Development Programme In: Chapter 11 Energy and Economic Prosperity. (P.394-411) Retrieved from International Energy Agency & Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2013). World energy outlook 2013. Paris: OECD/IEA. Retrieved from Epstein’s second argument is that alternative sources of energy to fossil fuels are not as effective. The argument uses inductive reasoning as Epstein focuses on 2 alternative sources of energy and attempts to convince the reader of his argument based on their observed limitations. The premises offered are that renewable energy such as solar and wind is unreliable, not cost effective and also unable to be mass-produced. He is able to support this with his claim that even after years of investments from many countries renewable energy only accounts for less than 0.5% of the planets energy. He also supports this by quoting examples of some richer countries that have been unsuccessful in making renewable energies usable on a larger scale even after spending large sums of money, resulting in rising youth unemployment rates as high as 50% in Spain and electrical prices doubling in the case of Germany. These cases and facts accurately shows the limitations of renewable energies ment ioned in his premises. This is supported by Professor Barry Brook in his in-depth critique on renewable energy â€Å"Renewable Limits† (Brook, 2009, TCASE 4 & 7) where he states that input for energy for solar and wind is unreliable and also shows how costly and economically unfeasible it is to make solar and wind plants reliable on a global scale. The report demonstrates this by calculating the large amounts of materials and investment needed to make each renewable energy source reliable on a global scale e.g. 1,250,000 tonnes of concrete and 335,000 tonnes of steel per day from 2010 to 2050 for wind power to be reliable. Therefore, the facts in the premises Epstein offers are true. However, he chooses to purely focus on solar and wind as alternatives to fossil fuels and not on other more promising alternative sources of energy such as hydroelectric power or nuclear. Although he mentions them in his argument, acknowledging them as able to provide more significant and reliabl e power compared to solar and wind, Epstein fails to go any further in depth than that. The World Energy Outlook 2012 (International Energy Agency, 2012) showed that renewable energy is likely to grow to become the second-largest energy source by 2015, with its share of global power generation rising from 20% in 2010 to 31% by 2035 mostly stemming from hydroelectric power and nuclear power. Although the report states that this depends on continued subsidies, subsidies for renewable energy are also projected to reach $240 billion per year in 2035 from $44 billion in 2010, for 31% of global power. The report suggests that given enough time renewables like hydroelectric power and nuclear could be produced on a wide enough scale to compete with fossil fuels. This shows that the other alternatives not evaluated fully by Epstein are definitely gaining traction and support around the world and are able to produce affordable and reliable energy as well, potentially on a global scale given time. Although he claims to have focused only on solar and wind as environmentalists , opponents of fossil fuels, often only champion solar and wind power over nuclear and hydroelectric power, it is a very weak reason to not go into detail about these alternatives that are clearly gaining much traction and support around the world as shown in the source. Hence, Epstein fails to consider the full scope of alternatives in his argument and seems to focus only on alternatives that have clear limitations to strengthen his argument. Since his argument uses inductive reasoning to prove that alternative sources of energy to fossil fuels are not effective, based on the premises provided not painting a complete picture of the issue at hand, and the fact that the alternatives ignored show more promise than the ones mentioned in the premises, his argument is weak and not convincing. References Brook, B (2009). Renewable Limits | Brave New Climate. Retrieved from International Energy Agency & Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2012). World energy outlook 2012. Paris: OECD/IEA. Retrieved from

Friday, September 13, 2019

Compare the views of human nature advanced by two ideologies of your Essay

Compare the views of human nature advanced by two ideologies of your choice - Essay Example One of such theories was developed by Marx, on what is popularly referred to as Marxism. The theory of human nature developed by Marx primarily criticizes the conception of capitalism and communism, which are popular political ideologies. On the other hand, Aristotle describes the human nature as one that is unique and is notable by diversity. This paper compares the views of human nature as described by Aristotle and Marx. Aristotle maintains that man is naturally blind to morality, implying that human beings are amoral creatures. At the same time, Aristotle argues that man is born without knowledge and, therefore, morality cannot be a part of the human nature (Kupperman, 2010, p.4). In the course of his life, man continues to acquire the knowledge of morality. In this argument, Aristotle is not only making the argument that the nature of man is amoral but also the fact that morality is a post-acquired knowledge in the due course of life. The statement is backed by Aristotle’s later argument that wickedness is voluntary, and no man is born evil. It is the rational choices that human beings make after birth that make them either moral or immoral. Another important aspect of the human nature put forward by Aristotle is the idea that man is a hedonistic being. This means that he can shun the pain and pursue pleasure by nature. The man described by Aristotle is capable of dreaming, sleeping, and is anxious about the old age. He also lives in a political state and is continually fascinated by the animal world. Man is also naturally religious and tends to look at heaven with hopes of a better destiny. Aristotle believes that man is a rational social animal and that both the body and the soul were essential parts of the nature of man (Ward, 2005, p.290). At the same time, Aristotle maintains that; without a society, man would not be human. The self is mainly discovered through the natural potentialities

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Awakening Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Awakening - Essay Example the dedicated artist.† (Stone, 1986) Stone is of the opinion that Edna undergoes lack of decision power as well as deficiency in perceiving the things in an accurate way. Consequently, she seeks relief in the company of these two feminine characters from where she gets encouragement and pieces of advice regarding her domestic life on the one hand, and romantic emotions on the other. Adele and Reisz represent two different generations, which have strong relationship with Edna’s birth as an artist as a result of her emotional attachment with Robert Lebrun. Edna turns towards paintings in order to express her feelings out of her love for Robert, as she undergoes quite loneliness because her businessman husband is unable to pay due heed to his wife. Stone points out the role of the objects of nature, including ocean and hills, in Edna’s life, which instigate her fervor and boast her imagination and creativity. Stone has successfully explored the positive and negative aspects of the main characters of the novel with special focus on the protagonist Edna. Joseph Church observes all the characters of the novel â€Å"The Awakening† undergoing the situation of constant conflict between reason and emotions. Consequently, the main character i.e. Edna Pontellier acts according to the counsels offered by the unmarried pianist Reisz. Chopin witnesses the same conflict in minor characters of the novel too, including the lady in black and the lovers, though their conflict is comparatively trivial one. Thus, unlike Edna Pontellier, who until the very end painfully struggles and fails to unify these two sides of Being, Mademoiselle Reisz has sought to resolve the problem decisively, however spuriously, by siding primarily with mind-as-artist, denying the mind-absorbing passionate body in herself, and then unconsciously arranging to repossess passion vicariously through the young and sensuously beautiful Edna (Church, 2008: 21) Adà ¨le also contains interest in

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Development of motion picture. Do not plagiarism please instructor Essay

Development of motion picture. Do not plagiarism please instructor checks Thanks - Essay Example The article gives a history of Chaney’s acting career in the age of freak show embodiment in movies, and his apparent liking o playing morbid and unusual characters in the movies. Chaney is depicted as having acquired a cultish following from his movies, especially among the male gender. However, women and children are rare fans of the actor’s works. From the article, I am of the opinion that the author best brings out Chaney’s character and history. Despite some of the criticism portrayed, I feel that Chaney was justified in portraying the grotesque characters in the movies, partly because of the current interest in freak shows and because actors have to be unique to succeed. It is evident that Chaney attracted a lot of interest from the male population because of the unusualness of his movies and frightened away women and children because of the horrors he depicted in the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Quantative critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Quantative critique - Essay Example The population sample is defined clearly from the title for multiple sclerosis patients. However, the length of the title is inappropriate; also, this study does not contain an abstract. The two researchers (Yeliz and Nuran) are both professors. Both work with the nursing department of the health science department from Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey. This is enough evidence that they are both qualified as researchers as they come from reputable companies. The department of nursing from Hacettepe University is a well-established institution, and by them, researchers, associated with the nursing department in the faculty of health sciences, is a good explanation of the their qualification to undertake a research on nursing (Figved, et. al, 2007). The problem is indicated where the research paper indicates that the sufferers of multiple sclerosis have high co-morbidity, which relates to poor life quality and the high costs in health care. As a result, such patients cannot acces s the optimal homecare, and there is no any model for nurse-based home visiting. The problem stated has the significance in that it introduces the reader to the purposes and aims of the research study. As a result of the existence of the above problem, the study aims at determining the effects of the nursing interventions based on NANDA in order to determine the effects of home-based nursing interventions on issues that relate with Quality of Life (QOL) among patients with multiple sclerosis. The research variables are the intervention and control groups in the study sample. The participants in the intervention groups were 21, and those in the control group were 24 making a total of 45 participants (Carton, et. al., 2004). The hypothesis has been stated clearly whereby the author says that patients with MS live with their families, and they need homecare services just like other people with other diseases, which are chronic. This hypothesis acts as a basis in which the research focu ses on, seeking for the effectiveness of home-based nursing interventions. This natural flow from the theoretical framework and the research problem (whereby because of the problem of inappropriate home-based model, the patients live with their families where the homecare services) are inefficient. This provides the theoretical framework of the research in that when people suffering from multiple sclerosis lack sufficient home-based care, the effects can be chronic, and there should be an appropriate model, which aims at handling the resulting problems. The hypothesis contains two variables that are investigated; intervention and effectiveness of the homecare based nursing. These are clearly and objectively worded whereby from just the mention of the hypothesis, because of living with their families, the homecare based might be challenging since they require health professionals to administer the services. Through this, a reader can evaluate the effectiveness of the homecare-based n ursing (Karantay, 2002). This research used the pretest-posttest experimental group design where patients from the control group received the interventions from standard care that has to be given to patients with multiple sclerosis; the participants in the intervention group received the nurse-based home-visiting care. The appropriateness of the design to the research question is well defined, where due to the purpose of the research of establishing the effectiveness

Monday, September 9, 2019

LLB Law, Media Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

LLB Law, Media Law - Essay Example ge of its duties, is guilty of contempt†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1 The test as to what constitutes contempt of court was enunciated by Lord Russell in the English case of R v Gray: ‘Any act done or writing published calculated to bring a court or a judge of the court into contempt, or to lower his authority, is a contempt of court.’2 In every court proceeding, what every litigant is in search of is a good judgment and in most court proceedings involving trial by jury, having a good, reasonable and unbiased jury is the key to that. Taking a view from the Attorney General’s speech, it is true that the law of contempt was meant to arrive at a middle ground between competing interests. There are so many opposing interests to every trial. The law of contempt has at least three fundamental objects – providing a fair trial, ensuring compliance with the court’s orders and generally protecting the administration of justice. If these competing interests are balanced, it is the only way which requires the court process to be fair and that the community accepts the court’s decisions and obeys their orders. It is the duty of the trial judge always to warn the jury of the likely consequences of which any pre-trial publicity may have on the trial. The jury must always and constantly be cautioned to try the case on the basis of the evidence it hears and not on the basis of anything it reads in the newspapers or heard on radio or television. A question that should be asked at this point is that is this a reasonable position? If this is reasonable, how will the law be successful is protecting the rights of those concerned with a trial from intrusion by the media? How does the law attempt to balance the conflicting interest of all parties to the trial, and in particular, in relation to freedom of speech/freedom of the press and the right to a fair trial? Are the any dangers of a miscarriage of justice with regards to pre-trial publicity? It should be noted that a lot of jurors have become

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Humen resource management. Communications Officer at Care Essay

Humen resource management. Communications Officer at Care International - Essay Example Therefore, this HRM portfolio seeks to evaluate the significance of job analysis and design with regards to sustainability of organisations during the contemporary period and the discussion is centred on the position of Communication’s Officer at Care International. As such, the portfolio is structured as follows: the first section looks at the description of the job and organisation, the second section focuses on job analysis plan as well as discussion about the link between job analysis and design and sustainability of an organisation’s human resources. The last section focuses on outlining job descriptions in modern workplaces. The role of Communications Officer is mainly concerned with gathering as well as disseminating information about the activities in which the organisation is involved in. As highlighted, Care International is a Non Governmental Organisation that is concerned with offering humanitarian assistance to families that have been impacted by natural disasters. This organisation seeks donations on behalf of people who have been affected by natural disasters from different organisations and these are distributed to the people in need. The organisation is also involved in assessing the magnitude of natural disasters in different situations and it coordinates the efforts of the other organisations towards provision of relief to people who have been affected. ... A Communications Officer role is to interact directly with the people in order to gather information about those in need as well as to establish the nature of problems they are facing. This person is also responsible for communicating vital information about the organisation to different stakeholders that may be involved in its operations. For instance, the Communications Officer will also be responsible for speaking on behalf of the company about various activities it is involved in to different stakeholders. This person is also responsible for disseminating any information or correspondence with other employees in the organisation. The incumbent person for this particular position should possess effective communication skills, both verbally and written since he or she deals with vital information about the organisation. This position is people oriented hence there is need for selecting the right person since the image of the organisation is portrayed through the Communications Offi cer. Section 2: a. This section outlines a job analysis plan that details the method going to be used to conduct an analysis for the post of Communications Officer. The first step is concerned with outlining the role expectations of the Communications Officer in the organisation. This step helps to define the role expectations of this incumbent person with regards to the duties going to be performed. In as far as planning is concerned, this role is very important given that it enables the recruiters to select the ideal candidate from a pool of potential job applicants. For instance, a Communications Officer has to possess effective communication skills in order to be able to execute this particular type of job. Defining the position also helps to determine the level of competence

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Company Analysis for saudi basic industries corporation SABIC Research Paper

Company Analysis for saudi basic industries corporation SABIC - Research Paper Example It offers its products and services all over the world. The regional sites are the Middle East and Africa, Asia, America an Europe. SABIC is the largest and most profitable non-oil producing company in the middlie east. It is ranked in the fifth position largest world petrochemical manufacturer. It is committed to satisfying its customers through achieving individual initiatives. This is enhanced through adherence of strict safety and environmental policies. The high investment in technology and innovation facilitates the ongoing development. The management is committed in running the business and achieveing sustainability through providing services and products that meet stakeholder’s expectations as well as conduct business with respect and care for the environment. Regulations are followed at all times and they apply practical means to conserve resources and reduce waste, avoid pollution in order to minimize risks involved in their operaions. Quality of products and services is maintained at all times. SABIC is in the petrochemical industries and is the five largest in the world. The company has had strict safety and environmental responsibility. It has incorporated sustainability in its day to day business activities. Its reports are integrated clear showing the environmental and social impact of the company in the various regions. This is through reducing waste, preventing pollution, catering for customers needs. The company has 33,000 employees for the last four years in 40 countries. Its culture is to cater for the ever growing needs of the customers. This responsibility has opened up avenues for innovations and technological advances. The T & I facilities are found all over the world with highly talented expects and scientists who are devoted in bring new patents and certifications. The company is always focused in to the future thus technology is heavily invested into. The

Friday, September 6, 2019

American Airlines Strategy Paper Essay Example for Free

American Airlines Strategy Paper Essay Currently the airline industry as a whole seems to be on the road of recovery. We, American Airlines, the fourth largest carrier recently avoided bankruptcy, but had a summer full of pressure due to ongoing union struggles and questionable executive compensation packages. After having incurred such big losses, this recovery has come about because of the government bailout and many of our large competitors’ abilities to survive the turbulence in the industry. So far, the prospects look promising. Revenue has improved across all regions of the business. Domestic unit revenue was up almost 10 percent and Latin American revenue has increased by close to 11 percent in the last quarter of 2012 compared to the same period the prior year. We are performing better than other airlines that have filed for protection and have done so without slashing capacity. In short, American is doing the right things to return to business efficiency and customer effectiveness. In order to establish a sustainable position for the future, American Airlines must adopt a three-pronged strategy moving forward. First, we should focus on low priced operations and increased marketing strategies to improve customer demand. We have to enhance customer experience and our volume of loyal customers to build a stronger presence in Airline Industry. Second, we must focus on increasing and improving the routes to cater to large customer base. Lastly, we must address the difficulties our company might face in integrating with the culture of US Airlines. Our future success is highly dependent on these two entities efficiently operating as a single organization. Industry Analysis Current Position US Airline industry today is dominated by five major domestic carriers. United, Delta and Southwest each has more than 15 percent market share. American is fourth, with around 12 percent and US Airways is fifth with around 10 percent. Four of these five are profitable — all but American. We lost $2 billion in 2011 and $1.7 billion in the first quarter of 2012. Future Strategy Our emphasis in 2013 is on operational flexibility, international growth through alliance and selective network expansion, and domestic partnerships to reduce operational and balance sheet risks. Americans market differentiation is based on emphasizing and meeting the needs and expectations of high value customers (particularly large global corporates) and better alignment with the one world airline network and value proposition. Also, being the lead carrier between not only the United States and Latin America but, increasingly, the world and Latin America—connecting through Dallas, Los Angeles, or Miami. This strategy makes sense; if they can get all labor work groups on board, they should be able to make it happen. That is still the main challenge, as is competitor contestation, particularly from larger traditional rivals like Delta and United. Improve Customer Demand Lower Operational Costs American passenger division which already has 57 fewer planes in service than an year ago, should further shrink by another 57 planes this summer. This would improve operational efficiency. Current service levels include 275 cities with a fleet of over 1000 aircraft. American carries about 80 million passengers daily and receives more than 329,000 reservation calls, handles more than 293,000 pieces of luggage and flies more than 4300 flights in one typical day. In order to reduce costs further over 27000 jobs will have to be eliminated. Because of high competition in the industry, substantial price fluctuations occur related to fares. Enhance Customer Base Increase value added services offered through our interactive website, Any differentiation that convenience added capabilities offer is the center of focus. Busy hiub systems and schedule patterns need to be looked at to improve efficiency and routing effectiveness, thereby enhancing customer experience. We need to do rigorous marketing to attract more customers. Our marketing is currently focused on seasonal and business travelers and much analysis is taken in order to optimize peak travel seasons as well as frequent flier miles programs and pints systems. The Making More Room in coach program is the original marketing ploy of American to project a perception of higher passenger comfort levels. As increased advertising and intense market share is gained, we will continue to remain a key player assuming passenger demand goes up as projected. We will focus on upgraded in-flight entertainment systems, football game special fares, and buy-on board meal options to further enhance customer experience. Improve Network American Airlines new network strategy is designed to improve profitability by offering the routes and schedules that attract and retain not only their own high value customers but also those of alliance partners, an important source of revenue through codeshare agreements and closely aligned loyalty programs. The network is the core product that works in concert with lie-flat seats, onboard amenities, and customer service. Latin America is a prominent focus, due in part to our strong presence in key hubs to Latin America such as Dallas and Miami. This is where the profits are. Passenger growth forecasts for Latin America for 2013-17 are 6 percent for Latin America North (Central America and the northern rim of South America) and 8 percent for Latin America South (southern cone countries such as Brazil and Argentina). This compares with 3.6 percent for Europe and 4.4 percent for Asia. Increase International Routes To follow the growth markets, we must change our portfolio mix to focus more on international rather than domestic routes. This is a gradual process, moving from 38 percent international and 62 percent domestic capacity in 2013 towards a 44/56 percent balance by 2017. As we refocus more of our flying towards international opportunities, it is likely to look towards increased code-sharing with domestic carriers like Alaska Airlines, jetBlue, and others to further enhance our network in places like Los Angeles and New York City. This is likely to have initial teething problems, due to terminal colocation and product disparity issues. For instance, the business passengers that we are pursuing may be disgruntled by jetBlues more restrictive carry-on baggage policies or by extra time and added security checks if they are required to change terminals. Refurbish domestic feed Our plan is also to diversify our domestic feed by increasing the number of regional carriers with which we do business to reduce operational and balance sheet risk. Today, we primarily get a feed from our wholly-owned subsidiary, American Eagle, which has higher costs than some other regional carriers. American Eagle is going through its own restructuring to lower its costs, and it may ultimately be spun off. Synergies with US Airlines Merger with US Airways will result in the largest carrier in US. It would create roughly $1.2 billion in financial benefits.